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August 1, 2018

8 Healthy Seeds to Incorporate Into Your Diet

As the saying goes, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, the same goes for seeds – don’t judge them by their tiny size! These minuscule yet mighty seeds are packed to the brim with nutrients such as protein, iron, fiber and antioxidants that all work together for better health and better skin. Lucky for us, seeds are also incredibly easy to incorporate into our diets – just sprinkle them […]
January 4, 2018

How Too Much Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

Sugar – the sneaky substance lurking in almost everything we consume. Somehow, sugar always manages to find its way into our diet. Cakes, sugared drinks, candy and baked goods are usually the main sources of sugar in our diet. However, even savoury foods such as bread and rice contain sugar as well, making it all too easy for our sugar intake to spike. While you have probably heard the saying […]