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November 1, 2017

5 easy-care plants for the irresponsible

As the world progresses and we’re constantly updating ourselves with technology, having plants around the house helps brings us back a step closer to Mother Nature. Though part of the progression also means spending more time on our iPads or Galaxy Notes and never actually having enough time for a proper meal, yet alone taking care of plants. Fret not! Listed below are 5 easy-care plants for the irresponsible – […]
October 16, 2017

5 eco-friendly ways to decorate your room at university

The hardest part of living away from home for university is adjusting to your new sleeping quarters. From my personal experience, this being my second year living away from home, I’ve found that making my new home feel like ‘home’ is quintessential to my comfort and reducing homesickness. I mean, I’m not one to get very homesick easily because I enjoy living away from home but along the way I’ve […]