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Nilufer Tea of the Month : Sakura Tea – The Kiss of Spring

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Nilüfer Tea’s New “Sakura Tea”($12)


Image Credit 100% @ Nilufer Tea

The term ‘April showers’ has never been so relevant when you think about the annual bloom of sakura, or cherry blossom in the English language. Although it only blooms in particular countries such as Japan and Korea, the beauty of the small delicate pink flowers has become so widely popular that many travel from all over the world simply to witness the Sakura showers.

The Sakura disappears from our sight in 2-3 weeks until next year’s blooming. How then, do we remember it? How might we pay complete and truthful homage to the bloom that has mesmerised the world? Driven by this idea, our tea herbalists at Nilufer Tea have come up with a commemorative way to keep and honor our memory of this beautiful flower.

Sakura Tea – The Kiss of Spring ($12)
contact us at

Look at our dried Sakura flower blooming beautifully in the water !

Image Credit  – 100% @ Nilufer Tea

Sakura Flower Petal is Edible

Sakura mochi and salted sakua tea have been consumed in Japan for a long time, and may even be a traditional food in Japan. Salted sakura tea is more likely considered as an old wives’ remedy to stop coughing thanks to its anti inflammatory component.  * Sakura Flower used in Nilufer Tea is non salted.

Image Credit 100% @ Nilufer Tea


Sakura Tea – The Kiss of Spring ($12)
contact us at

Benefits of Sakura Tea 

Anti- Aging
If one pays no mind to diet and lifestyle, one will find that they quickly develop dark circles, a saggy chin and a dull complexion. Little do people know – one of the main culprits of aging is  the consumption of processed sugar, which easily ruins your complexion and youth!

Targeting this problem, our tea reduces the production of excess sugar in your body by preventing protein from combining with sugars in your body. Left unchecked, these glycated proteins, or Advanced Glycation-End (AGE) products, cause protein fibres in our skin to become stiff and result in dull complexions. In serious cases, AGEs can also lead to the further deterioration of diseases like Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

As such, with Sakura tea, a supple complexion is not the only thing to look forward to. It also further strengthens your immune system against degenerative diseases!

Repair Skin Natural Barriers 
Not only does it safeguard your youth, Sakura tea also retains the moisture in your skin. Save yourself the splash of water to your face every night, as Sakura tea will do the trick – from the inside out!

It is particularly recommended for those with dry skin.

Improve Skin Elasticity 
As you know, Sakura tea inhibits the accumulation of AGE products, which is damaging to the fibroblast in our skin – a cell in connective tissue that produces collagen and other fibres.

In these many ways, Sakura tea is extremely beneficial to one’s health, and helps contribute to your youthfulness even as you grow older.

Two Types of Sakura in Nilüfer Tea

Image Credit 100% @ Nilufer Tea

Of 200 available varieties of sakura in the world, Nilufer has handpicked two to include in this special tea: the single petal sakura, and the layered petal sakura.


Using the best of our expertise, we have put together a delicate balance of flavours using natural ingredients that are bound to heal your soul.

For your quick reference, here is the ingredient list:

  • Single petal Sakura
  • Layered petal Sakura
  • Sencha Green Tea
  • Globe Amaranth
  • Ume (Plum) Flower
  • Malus Pumila, or Cultivated Apple



Sakura Tea – The Kiss of Spring not only pays true homage to the cultural icon of sakura, it is carefully crafted by our best herbalists at Nilufer Tea to delight your tastebuds and improve your quality of life. For any tea lover, this is a must-try!

Sakura Tea – The Kiss of Spring ($12)
contact us at

Subscribe for “Tea of the Month” 

We will be running a “Tea of the Month” every month so that you can enjoy the unique seasonal flavours. What will the special ingredient be? Are you curious? Are you excited? Because we sure are! Register with us from here and we will keep you updated.

Until next “Tea of the Month”, stay beautiful and enjoy this gorgeous picture of Sakura showers !

Image cred: kazuend on Unsplash


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Pamela loves the life of minimalism coupled with teas and hot chocolate. She is an aspiring developer and programmer who happens to enjoy creating content and watching YouTube videos.


  1. […] yourself a cup of Sakura tea? Nilufer Tea is releasing the new tea: Sakura tea. Catch a taste of spring and experience flowers dancing in your mouth with this new and beautiful […]

  2. […] you are up for a challenge, Nilufer Tea offers Sakura Tea, which, at its core, contains sencha, the aromatic and subtly-sweet green tea. With green tea made […]

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