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6 Delicious Benefits of Raw Honey

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Image cred: ExplorerBob on Pixabay

As any good raw foodie will tell you, the nutritional value of food is maximised when consumed raw and honey is no different. Raw honey is a pure, unheated, unprocessed and unpasteurised dark liquid that contains a plethora of natural vitamins and nutritional benefits. It boasts of antioxidants, antibacterial properties and antifungal uses. For centuries, raw honey has been used as an incredible cure-all. In fact, ancient Egyptians believed the sweet stuff was a ‘nectar of the gods’ and included pots of honey in burial ceremonies!

Unlike store-bought versions, natural raw honey journeys from the hive to the jar, and comprises fine particles, pollen grains and air bubbles. It’s almost never golden in colour too. Manufacturers often heat-treat commercial honey, and alter its colour and consistency with additives. Though the heat treatment kills all pathogenic bacteria and produces a more palate-pleasing honey, it erases all other beneficial components in the process too. To decipher real raw honey, use a simple thumb test. Put a drop of the honey in question on your thumb. If it spreads or spills, it’s artificial. But if the little drop remains intact, it’s pure.

Join us as we dip our spoons into the delicious benefits of raw honey!


1. Soothe a sore throat


Image cred: rickyzden on Unsplash

Have a sore throat, common cold or cough? Skip the medicine cabinet and open up your pantry and grab a spoonful of raw honey. The medicinal properties of raw honey are as exciting as its breadth of flavour. It’s an age-old natural solution to suppress horrid coughs, calm irritable throats and well, keep you cold-free. If you find the natural intensity of raw honey too much for you, add it to hot tea and a slice of lemon.


2. Replace antiseptic cream

Image cred: sonjalangford on Unsplash

Time to add raw honey as a first-aid kit staple and use as a topical cream. The antibacterial properties of unprocessed honey can treat hard-to-heal wounds, reduce inflammation, promote new tissue growth and prevent infections. In particular, raw honey restores abrasion, bed sores, cuts and cracked nipples with ease. Put the sweet stuff on a bandage and then cover the affected area.


3. Treat acne

Image cred: Kjerstin_Michaela on Pixabay

Apply honey as a spot treatment to get rid of nasty zits, let it sink in and rinse in the morning until the culprit vanishes. A dab will do!


4. Improve skin

Image cred: kerdkanno on Pixabay

When combined with some ingredients, honey can moisturise and nourish skin. For a powerful (and cheap) home beauty treatment, try a gentle avocado honey face mask. We love nutrition for our faces!

This recipe is incredibly simple and makes 1 face mask; use several times a week if you like.


  • 1 teaspoon of mashed avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Spread the mixture over your face, let it sit for 25 minutes and rinse off.


5. Controls dandruff and hair loss

Image cred: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The high mineral content, vitamin E and amino acids present in raw honey can nourish the scalp and rejuvenate hair follicles. To aid scalp flakiness, itch and hair loss, dilute honey in warm water, apply it on your scalp and rub it in for several minutes. Research has demonstrated that lesions vanish just after two weeks of religious application.


6. Relieve hangovers

Image cred: Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

Hangovers are terrible. You wake up and your head hurts. Your mouth runs dry and each time you try to sit up, you feel like you might puke again. To minimise your pain for all future hangovers, remember this honey hangover remedy. As you wake from your night out, take four tablespoons of raw honey to start out. It’s a ton of honey to consume at once but trust us, you will need all that fructose to metabolise the alcohol. Plus, unprocessed honey contains enough antioxidants to neutralise all those toxins. Be sure to choose a honey that is darker in colour for maximum antioxidant load. Thereafter, consume coconut water or any electrolyte drink each hour to provide rapid rehydration for your system.

Do purchase quality, organic raw honey for a peace of mind and remember not to feed children under the age of one with raw honey, due to a risk of infant botulism. If you have a compromised immune system or are undergoing any sort of treatment, be sure to consult professional medical advice before adding raw honey to your regular diet.

Nilufer Tea

Another way you can enjoy raw honey is to add it to our already-delicious organic herbal teas. A extra spike of sweetness goes a long way!


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